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How To Install OS X Yosemite 10.10 on AMD PC!

Showing posts with label  How To Install OS X Yosemite on an AMD PC! .  Show all posts How To Install OS X Yosemite 10.10 on AMD PC! Subscribe To DeeKay Goswami on Youtube For Procedure. --------------------------------DOWNLOAD LINKS [Distro] ----------------------------- 1.    [ GOOGLE DRIVE Link ]  Download OS X Yosemite 10.10 AMDeeKay [USB Installer].dmg 2.   [ Torrent ]  Download OS X Yosemite 10.10 AMDeeKay [USB Installer].dmg --------------------------------DOWNLOAD Bootloader -----------------------------   3 .  [ DropBox ]  Download Enoch Bootloader For OS X Yosemite 10.10

Peru 8K HDR 60FPS (FUHD)


什麼是 Lilu ? Lilu 是 vit9696 開發的一個內核擴展 (kext),可對”任意” 內核擴展(kext)/進程(process)/運行庫(framework/library)等 進行打補丁。 (但其實某些比較底層的 kext 仍無法修改,如基本硬件驅動、底層重要依賴等) Lilu 目前實現的功能? 為 kext 打補丁 為 進程 打補丁 (目前僅支持 64 位) 為 運行庫 打補丁 (目前僅支持 64 位) 提供一套統一的 API 接口 如何理解 “提供一套統一的 API 接口”? 這意味著 Lilu 自身是不起任何作用的,你需要額外使用依賴它的 kext ,目前已知需要依賴 Lilu 的 kext 可在 下方 找到。 下載/安裝 關於下載: 你可以直接下載作者編譯好的版本,或者從 GitHub 下載源碼自行編譯。 關於安裝: 建議將 Lilu 以及依賴它的 kext 放置於引導器用於注入 kext 的位置並使用引導器注入它,目前主流的引導器都有註入 kext 的功能。 如果將其放置於 /System/Library/Extensions 或者 /Library/Extensions 下的話,你還需要 LiluFriend 並正確配置使其正常工作。 Lilu 支持的內核參數(kernel flags) -liludbg 可以開啟排錯日誌模式,不過只有 DEBUG 版本才可用。 (對於日常使用的 RELEASE 版本此參數無效) -liluoff 會禁用 Lilu 和依賴它的 kext 。 (實際上只禁用了 Lilu ,不過與之相關的 kext 也就自然會失效了) -liluslow 會啟用舊版的 UserPatcher 。 (可能與修改進程、運行庫有關,具體的因為樓主對 Lilu 代碼不是很熟悉,所以也就沒法解釋清楚了,抱歉) -lilulowmem 會禁止 Lilu 和依賴它的 kext 在 Recovery 模式下載入。 (實際上只禁用了 Lilu ,不過與之相關的 kext 也就自然會失效了) -lilubeta 會在不受支持的 Darwin 版本啟用 Lilu 。 -lilubetaall 啟用Lilu和所有加載的插件不受支持的os版本(非常仔細地使用) -liluforce ...

High Sierra - MultiBeast Audio

High Sierra - MultiBeast Audio Selections by Intel Motherboard Series Once Clover is successfully booting macOS/High Sierra with the system drive, install Realtek audio with MultiBeast. Note: Restart before installing MultiBeast  audio See  MultiBeast Audio Failure [Solved] Intel Motherboard Serie s Desktop: Z370 is 300 Series, H97 is 9 Series, etc. Workstation: X299, etc. Realtek codec/ALCxxx , determine Buyer's Guide/Motherboards /motherboard/Audio Manufacturer's website/motherboard/Specifications/Audio/Realtek ALCxxx codec Realtek ALC1220  - 2 different versions, confirm 1220: All manufacturers including ASUS S1220 1220A: ASUS PRIME, ROG STRIX and TUF If no audio after MultiBeast audio install See  No Audio Devices - AppleHDA Realtek Audio /Post #1/ Problem Reporting . Post to thread linked with requested files attached. 200/300 Intel Motherboard Series Restart , see  MultiBeast Audio Failure [Solved] MultiBeast  > Drivers...


Coffee Lake is here and I’ve successfully installed macOS High Sierra featuring the  i7-8700k  and  Gigabyte Z370 AORUS Gaming 7 . The i7-8700k was out of stock everywhere during it’s release month and despite that I still managed to get my hands on one following the steps I  detailed here . I haven’t had much free time lately so I’m posting this build a little later than I would have liked. Coffee Lake works out of the box in High Sierra 13.X requiring no special changes/hacks. Running Sierra 12.X is another story requiring a FAKECPUID spoof to Kaby Lake  for Coffee Lake to be gotten up and running. The iGPU works with full graphical acceleration as does sleep/wake functionality on both the UHD 630 iGPU and a Nvidia/AMD dGPU. Sound, Ethernet, iMessage and  HWMonitor  to monitor temps, voltages, fanspeeds are all working fine on this Gigabyte build. The total cost for this built was about $1200 excluding the monitor, I was able to get the...